Inspirational talks and collegial exchange at the Swedish e-Science Academy

About 100 participants attended Swedish e-Science Academy 2023 in Uppsala.
Last week the Swedish e-Science Academy was arranged in Uppsala. For two days, 11th–12th of October, colleagues from the e-science field got to meet, inspire each other and exchange experiences.
On the first day of the conference key note speaker Ola Spjuth, professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, gave a talk on how AI and automation is accelerating drug discovery.
Later on, the participants got to listen to short presentations in a poster blitz, as well as to longer project presentations representing a wide range of subjects reaching from visual communication to dolphin echolocation.
– As always it is really inspiring to learn about the latest research in the eSSENCE community, and in particular the poster session gives a current snapshot of what the groups are working on. Personally, I thought it was interesting to see an update from the PhD projects that was launched in the eSSENCE-SciLifeLab graduate school on data-intensive science last year, says Andreas Hellander, programme director at eSSENCE.
At the moment there are several things happening in the eSSENCE community.
– We are currently preparing a few initiatives for strengthening the cross-node collaboration further. The Lund node is also launching a new initiative with digital seminars, “eSSENCE Updates”, Andreas Hellander sums up.